Deluxe Apple Pie (Five Roses: A Guide to Good Cooking)
Especially when you made it in August.
I haven’t made or eaten pie in a long time, but when I do, apple is my go-to. I was very excited to make this one because, as the recipe title suggests, it is supposed to be the luxury model apple pie.
Start by making crusts:
Seems right enough.
Then cut up some apples. Ignore the fact that the recipe called for thin slices, cuz dammit, you like chunks.
Then mix up some flour and spices.
Mix the spices with the apples.
Shove the spicy apple chunks into the pre-prepared pie crust. Dump great big gobs of butter and lemon zest on them, because that makes them extra tasty.
Put the top on your pie crust. Realize that you have made a calculation error in you crust division, likely due to the extra-deep nature of your pie dish, which was a very generous Christmas gift and not-so-subtle hint to make more pies. Swear a little. Look at the clock. Consider making more pie crust. Admit that there’s not really time to do that. Swear some more.
Wrap the pie in foil.
Bake the pie at 350 for longer than you expect is necessary, staying up way too late. Lament the pie miscalculation. Bemoan the fact that no pie crust is ever anything like your grandmother’s. Swear off pie-baking for the foreseeable future. Remember this is why you swore off pie-baking the last time. Eat the apple-pastry terror you have wrought.