Project: Roger Socks (Knitspot)
My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was seven. Then I forgot.
Then my ex-boyfriend’s roommate taught me to knit when I was twenty. Then I forgot.
Then my best friend taught me to knit when I was twenty-five. Third time’s a charm?
But I was still a little afraid to do anything that involved more than two needles for a long time. So, last fall, I signed up for a sock knitting class at my sweet local yarn store.
The process was surprisingly painless…with the exception of a yarn emergency in which I dropped a stitch when I took my knitting to choir practice and didn’t notice until a few rows later. I was quite pleased with the fruits of my labours, at any rate.
My socks ended up being a Christmas present for my very first knitting instructor. And I hope I did her proud.
Great job, Mo! So proud ❤