Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Spirits


Baltimore Eggnog (International Bartender’s Guide)

It’s been a long time since my last post, and you can bet that’s because life went bananas with a side of shit-storm.  But it’s definitely time to get into the Christmas season.  I made this drink a while ago, but the upcoming holiday season is the perfect excuse to feature it.  So is the fact that “Blog” was the next item on my long-forgotten to-do list.

1 oz brandy
1 oz Jamaican rum
1 oz madeira wine
2 oz heavy cream
1 whole egg
1 tsp sugar
4 oz chilled milk

So…basically shake everything together in a shaker with ice, strain it into the sweet, sweet glass that came with your purchase of delicious Sailor Jerry’s, and sprinkle it with nutmeg.

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The result: a very potent, creamy, potentially-salmonella-filled Christmas beverage, perfect for those moments when your in-laws are being themselves, your parents are rolling their eyes at your future career plans, or your children are using their new toys as weapons in the couch-cushion-trench war they start to determine who gets ALL THE TOYS next year.

BOTTOMS UP!  Happy Holidays Everyone!

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