My band decided to pack it in a couple of weeks ago. We had some fun, and I think we had a lot of potential, but we struggled to strike the right dynamic and in general we felt like it was better to call it now and still be friends than have a crazy fight as our plane crashed into a field. Or wait. That was a movie I like.
If you were to ask me when I was a little girl what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer was probably "rock star." Somewhere along the way, after many twists and turns, I ended up being a dietitian instead, which is kind of like the opposite of being a rock star. But I have always been an avid music appreciator and in my adult life have dabbled in being a semi-professional pianist. And that's a pretty cool thing to say about myself. Once in a while, mostly when I was playing the intro to Joe Cocker's "Feelin' Alright" I actually did feel like I had achieved my childhood dream of being a rock star.
Since I moved here, I've struggled a little bit with who I am in this new place. I had carved a pretty comfortable niche for myself when I lived up north, and for some reason, the things I did there don't all fit here. Even though my band taking an extended hiatus was probably the right thing to do, I had a teensy identity crisis. "Who am I supposed to be now?" I thought.
So, it's time for some Wonder Woman-style leaps across the chasm. I don't know what that's going to mean yet, but I know it's going to mean more writing.
New things I've done:
- I started one-on-one coaching with an exercise specialist, via the internet. Doing it on my own has definitely not resulted in anything more than the same old same-old. Consequently, my butt hurts. All the lunges.
- Yoga with Adriene. I started at the beginning of her videos, which mainly are foundational poses. I do them first thing in the morning, and it's been pretty nice.
Weird things that have happened to me:
- This past Tuesday, a transport truck somehow managed to straddle the median of the QEW through town. It was full of phospine. Ever heard of phosphine? Me neither. But apparently it's a poisonous gas. The subsequent evacuation of ground zero resulted in my having my commute time tripled to 3 hours, during which time I really had to pee. I've learned exactly how long I can hold it. Roller derby practice was cancelled because the arena was in the evac zone, so I went for a walk instead. A cyclist was coming down the walking/cycling trail behind me just as a chipmunk was crossing the path. The chipmunk sustained a serious (probably fatal) brain injury during a collision with the cyclist. I watched the poor bleeding chipmunk writhing in pain in the middle of the path and didn't really know what to do, so I have to admit that I kept walking. Shortly thereafter, I saw two deer drinking water across the canal from me. I feel like if I told this story to a psychic, they would tell me this is some kind of portent of things to come, but I'm too cheap to pay a psychic.
- Watch less TV. I love Netflix, but I can certainly attest how habit-forming its full-season releases are. I literally have to make myself not find a new show to watch when I finish one. It's not good.
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