Thursday, May 6, 2021


Today is a beautiful day, but this has been a pretty rainy spring.

In some ways, I suspect that is a good thing. I'm sure my garden is happy to have some wetness in the early spring as it usually goes from frozen to bone dry and baked in a matter of days.  In fact, I don't even mind the rain so much when the temperature is warm and I'm ready for it.  I even like walking in the rain.

I recall a summer in my early twenties when the heat and humidity worked in tandem to create an unbearable air swamp.  My boyfriend and I could do nothing but lie in our underwear on the kitchen floor.  Relief came in the form of a few flashes of lightning and a huge clap of thunder.  We threw on shorts and t-shirts and ran out to dance in the rain.

One late summer a few years before, I had just arrived in residence and met a new friend.  We went out for a walk in the rain.  I expressed a desire to jump in the puddles, but felt like that would be too much.  With his encouragement, I took the leap and landed with both feet. Amid the downpour, the resulting splash and submerge completely waterlogged my shoes and the cuffs of my pants. I gleefully kerplunked myself into every puddle I saw for the rest of the walk. 

"It seems like you don't have fun like this very often," he said.

It was true.  It's still true.  

To others, I may seem reserved, even aloof. But that is not who I am. The truth is, I'm just waiting for a warm rain to let me loose.

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