Tuesday, September 1, 2020

No News

 I've added writing to my to-do list lately.  I'm finding it somewhat challenging to do this regularly because life has been so stand-still-ish so it doesn't feel like there's anything much to write about.

Way back when I was trying to be hot person, I would sometimes look at situations and think to myself, "Will this make a good blog post?"  Often, it meant subjecting myself to some small (or large) degree of embarrassment in the name of entertainment.  I never really became a hot person.

I was visiting some friends in pre-COVID times, and despite not having seen them in over a year, neither of us had much to report.  Then we talked about some friends whose marriage had fallen apart after a failed attempt at opening it up.  And we all agreed that we've come to the point in our lives when no news can be good news.

So life is pretty ok.  I work.  I go to the gym. I meet with friends for outdoor/socially distanced activities.  I go on baking and cooking adventures on the weekend.  I read books. I ride my bike.  I knit and sew things.  I play the piano.  I teach myself the guitar with limited success.  My husband and I play boardgames once or twice a week.  Life is ok.  And that's nothing to write home about.