Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Great Purge

I had grand plans to outline the great master-plan for simplifying my life today.

I was in Wal-Mart the other day buying two drying racks to replace the one my cat has been using as a jungle-gym for five years.  Two is overkill if I keep up with my laundry on the regular.  So really, it's not overkill to have two.  Anyway, while I was waiting my turn in line, I saw a magazine with a headline promising me 62 ways to unclutter my life.  62!  I bought it without even flipping the pages!  Of course, I was somewhat disappointed in its claims.  At least 5 of those 62 "ways" were ways to rid yourself of guilt and muscle tension.  Because, you know, I don't need any help ridding myself of those things.  Not.

One article was helpful in uncluttering my life from my actual physical chattles, and I really do want to get rid of a shit-tonne of my stuff without really knowing where to start.  Wait.  That's not true.  The tube-television that's sitting in my car right now that the Salvation Army store won't take because they know they won't sell it.  I want to purge that first.  For sure.

When I read the other articles, though, I just find that many of the guilt-banishing, muscle-tension soothing, manner-developing tips just don't apply to me and my life.  Or I just don't think the guilt and tension and manners I have really need much renovation.  Does that mean I'm blissfully ignorant of my own shortcomings?  Or does it mean I'm actually sort of content with my life right now?  Or maybe both?



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