Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The One with COVID-19

These are strange times, friends.

And I'm in a strange spot.  I'm a healthcare worker, but not a frontline healthcare worker.  I have contact with a vulnerable population, but not *intimate* contact.  One of my employers has asked me to work remotely.  The other two have decided that I'm an essential service.  I'm confused about what that means.

Every once in a while I get that strange feeling that what's happening around me is happening, on a greater or smaller scale, to every single other person around the world and then I feel very small.  Because nothing that's happening to me is special, except everything that's happening to everyone right now is special.

I don't have any cool advice on how to deal.  Part of me was feeling a little overwhelmed with life and is a teensy bit relieved to have government-mandated stop-everything-you're-doing-and-stay-the-fuck-home time.  I recognize that feeling has a lot to do with the level of privilege I enjoy.  I own a functioning bicycle and have access to all kinds of streaming workouts.  I have a fairly large stockpile of food in my cupboards and freezer, although some of it is a little...unconventional (anybody need a box of cocoa nibs?  I have three.  Will trade for dry pasta or eggs).  My yarn and fabric stashes have been calling my name for *years*.  The internet/cellphone waves keep me in touch with my loved ones far and wide.  And let's not forget the famed movie list.  I'm crossing things off of that baby like crazy.

The takehome here is that I'm probably going to be fine. But I have worries.  I have people who are maybe not going to be fine.  The fact that the various curves I keep refreshing on various public health-ish websites could go either way still makes me worried.  I'm terrified that someone's going to sneeze on my coat at the grocery store and I'm going to be partially responsible for flattening a whole floor of octagenarians because my service was deemed essential.  Everything is cancelled or closed "until further notice" and the lack of expiry date on this thing makes me hyperventilate a little.

I still don't have any cool advice on how to deal.  Everything is normal and abnormal at the same time.  Shit's weird.  Everybody shits.

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