Thursday, April 18, 2013

Strangely Delicious, Predictably Gross-Looking


Rustic Spinach Tart – Recipe Origin Unknown

My boyfriend was home for reading week, and I figured this was the perfect opportunity for some domestic experimentation.  Doesn’t spinach pie sound awesome?  Didn’t think so.  And I like spinach.  A lot.

Step 1.  Gather bizarre ingredients.

Step 2.  Make a perfect pie crust using your grandmother’s recipe.  Perfect.

Step 3.  Pile weird ingredients on top of each other, atop half the perfect pie crust.

Step 4.  Cover it with the other half of the pie crust.

Step 5.  Flute it.  However one does that.

Step 6.  Bake.

Step 7.  Behold!  Your creation!

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So, this looks pretty normal, but the clear presence of ectoplasm suggests something sinister inside.

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It does kind of look like the Frankenstein’s monster of pies.  It tasted pretty awesome, though.  And I cannot express enough that the crust was perfect.

We couldn’t eat all of it, though, and left the remainder in my boyfriend’s parents’ fridge to find when they returned from Florida.  It was, perhaps, not the most generous thing I could have left for them.  Tee hee.

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