Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A Big Steaming Pile...

This week has not been my best.

Isolation is starting to wear me down.  The last time I was outside was Monday and tomorrow's not really looking good for fresh air either.

Somehow, my right hip stopped working and now it's in constant pain.  Slept funny, maybe.  Who knows anymore.

Two of my three homes have positive COVID-19 cases and though I'm not on the front-lines there's lots of work to be done.  The paradox of this whole situation is that even though I can literally see the places I relax ALL DAY, I'm working much more than normal and can't actually spend the time relaxing.  I've been pulling extra long days and as things get hairy onsite, I'll be doing more to take as much load off my colleagues on the floor as I can.  They're...appreciative...I think.  To be honest, when I call the evening RN with my orders, the reception I get is not exactly warm.  I try to remember that what I'm doing right now seems pretty cushy in comparison to what they're doing and keep the smile plastered to my face, but the smile's starting to crack at the corners.

Everyone I know is struggling and my default response is to try and find a solution, but I'm tired and there are no solutions except to dig in and bear it.  This too shall pass.

But when?

Seriously, when?

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